Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

What a wonderfully open and beautiful story of navigating life and making the world a better place for the ones that most need it. Thank you for teaching love with your very life!

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What an amazing story--I feel privileged just to have read it.

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Ian, TY so much!

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Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

Alesia is a force of nature as l know very well. Great to see this article about her. As someone who also had a DNA surprise and djscovered paternal Jewish heritage l resonated...

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Much love JoAnn

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Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

Alesia Weiss, you are amazing. Thank you for sharing your story and being of service to those experiencing DNA surprises.

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TY so much for reading!

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After reading about your very important life journey, I am beyond touched on so many levels. I feel like your commitment to others and their "surprises" is one of the biggest forms of Tikkun Olam that there is. I also find myself apologizing for not being Jewish enough because I never became a Bat Mitzvah in that traditional sense. I did however give birth to a daughter when I was 16. She was born on Rosh Hashanah in 1987. I hod my pregnancy from everyone, including my parents. When it became apparent that I was going to give birth soon, I went to my best friends parents because they were lawyers. That night I had to tell my parents. The next few days, I was interviewing perspective adoptive parents (my choice). I interviewed a Jewish couple that was much older. They couldn't have kids of their own. I never asked why. I called them that night and wept on the phone that they were going to be parents soon. The next day I had a c-section. I never got to hold her, but I received flowers and a photo. I know the emptiness amd the pain that you have lived with for many years. I wanted to hug you virtually as I cry at my desk reading your story. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Oh Rachel. This rips my heart out. I know others with very similar stories. Maybe there's a support group for mothers suffering this unique form of bereavement?

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you are so very welcome. Remember we are holding you up. Blessings . AW

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Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

Alesia you have always lived a life of service and you continue to do so. The world is truly a better place and many, many lives have benefitted from your work, love and generosity. Much gratitude for sharing your story.

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Oh Ellen you are indeed such a true beautiful soul ty

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Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

Oh my! This brings me to tears. I am in Alessia's group for NPE's, and I have a similar story. I isolate a lot because I don't think anyone would understand me or my story. It was so validating to read this, but also sad for Alessia.

Thank you so much for sharing this.

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Denise. TY for this

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Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

What an incredible story, I was on the metaphorical edge of my seat as it unfolded. Thank you, Alesia, for sharing your amazing journey and for all the healing you put into the world. And thank you, Elissa, for this wonderful first chapter of Jews of the Universe. I'm now looking forward to the what's to come more than ever!

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Violet! I love your name & ty for reading!

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I wonder if this is part of a larger memoir. I hope so!

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Oh my goodness. Thank you🫶🏻

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Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

What a remarkable story! You are a woman of valor, whose worth is far above rubies. 💕

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How kind these words are. TY

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Sep 14Liked by Elissa Wald

What a beautifully conveyed story of resilience and goodness, sadness and pain, immense bravery and giving. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

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Thank you so much Deborah.

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Sep 14Liked by Elissa Wald

What an amazing story, and what a journey! Welcome Alesia, may you be covered in a warm soft quilt of belonging and finding a spiritual home.

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TY for this🌺🌸

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Sep 14Liked by Elissa Wald

I do not know how it feels to find out the man you spent many years thinking was your father is not. I learned when I was 3 years old that I was adopted. In my 40's I decided to find my birth parents. I was adopted to a Catholic couple out of Catholic Charities and finding my birth mother's other kids was easy. I was the product of an affair, my parents were older, and she had passed. When I met my 1/2 siblings and a cousin on birth mother's side I thought they were nice people, but I wondered if there had been a mistake. There wasn't really any connection. It took 22 more years to find my birth father and it was through 23andme DNA testing that I found him. I am 48.8% Ashkenazi Jew and 0.2% Middle Eastern. In 2017 I flew to my place of birth and met many first cousins and first cousins once removed. My birth father had died many years before. I felt like I had known these people my whole life. We laughed, we talked easily, it was so much fun. My young adult daughter who had accompanied me said, "it's like we have known them our whole lives!" I had found my tribe and am still in touch with these beautiful people! I love being a Jew. I got in trouble in my adoptive home for not just doing as told, questioning the religious teachings, finding humor when it wasn't considered appropriate. Now I know it is in my DNA. I did not fit and no one could see it, but I felt it. Like you I love going to shul. I too am an RN. Currently working in hospice. And when I am done typing this I will check out your organization. I will subscribe to Judith next pay period. Thank you for all you do and have done. Virtual big hugs to you, my fellow traveler.

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Tamara, I love this so much. Thank you so much for sharing your own story here. And please, no need to wait -- JUDITH is free! No content restricted.

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Wow. Ty for sharing. Incredible story

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This story has warmed my heart

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Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

Profoundly lived and beautifully told 🙏❤️

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Sep 13Liked by Elissa Wald

So moving. Thank you for your story.

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Ty for your kindness

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