Both pieces resonate in different ways. "By the time she’s old enough to get her ears pierced, she will sadly already know the stories of Kfir and Ariel, just as I knew the stories of the Holocaust long before I got my own teenaged ears pierced many years ago." This hit home because my young niece too, already knows about the Bibas children, same as at her age I also knew about the Shoah. As for Lisa's post, no, none of us will ever look at the color orange the same way again. I keep noticing it, in ways I never noticed it before the 7th. Yasher Koach to both authors.

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I planted a hope garden full of orange flowers soon after October 7th. Now it is a memorial garden and will stay so as long as I live.

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Heart-mangling and beautiful.

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Thank you, dear sisters.

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