What an amazing story of awakening, and courage, and commitment, and determination. And identification! It is a personal experience memoir about every Jew, who doesn't even feel Jewish, being reminded of their Judaism. This article is a tide of strength. With people like Vanessa the truth will prevail. From a very appreciative Israeli who appreciates the precaious reality of Jews living outside Israel these days. In my youth movement, we used to say "Chazal ve'ematz" (be strong and have courage), and that is what I wish you, Vanessa.

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MY FAVORITE COLUMN. Because Vanessa Hidary, I've loved you for a long time. You are a north star, our Jewish Mamita.

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I found you on IG last year, found you with a lightening strike to my soul. You literally took my breath away. And you do so every time I hear you. Every time I read you. Kol haKvod. Thank you.

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Thank you, Vanessa. You are an exemplar for each of us. Maybe we don't have such an out-front position but we need to stand up for Israel, for the Jewish people in our own little areas of influence. And... stay safe, love.

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Wow. What a beautifully written piece. Standing up and doing what you feel is right is a testament to what it truly means to give back to our community. You’re such a talent. May we never forget those lost on 10/7.

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Thank you for this piece. Vanessa is so courageous and inspiring. I'm going to go read it again.

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I saw you years ago in Def Poetry Jam on Broadway doing your Hebrew Mamita poem and you were amazing, and seeing strong Jewish content like that in the most public forum made me feel seen myself. So when this war started, I looked you up on socials thinking you might be having a hard time and be in need of support, especially considering what some of the other Def Poets had been posting (I won’t name them here, but I’m sure you can think of a few). Instead I found all the support I’d been needing myself and the courage to speak out that I’d been missing amidst all this chaos and terror. I’m going to read a poem about the Bibas children at my local open mic tonight with a little of your strength, if you don’t mind me borrowing it. You are a lioness. You are an inspiration. Thank you.

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Whoops correction! I saw Def Poetry on Broadway and then saw you when I obsessively binged every single episode on my friend’s HBO On Demand channel in a single night while cat-sitting 😇

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Thank you Vanessa Hidary. You should be mandatory in every school curriculum. Thanks for giving voice to the deepest parts of our souls.

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Achoti, Vanessa, I see you. This Southside Minneapolis, GenX Jewish around the way girl.....hineni. I've been to more pow wows or quinceñeras or house parties than bar/bat mitzvahs. My old high school, designed by the same people who designed the Stillwater prison, is blocks away from the 3rd precinct that went up in flames during the summer of 2020 uprising, and our co-op is across the street from the building formerly known as Prince's high school. Am Yisrael Chai Vanessa. I see you.

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So happy to hear from Vanessa Hidary, whose slam poetry I came across and loved years ago. Vanessa, your voice is so strong, unique, and increasingly necessary. It’s great to see you here in Judith Magazine.

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Thank you for working at being so effing articulate.

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The last poem is so true. Thank you.

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I am so grateful for Vanessa Hidary. She inspires me, fortifies me to strengthen my own backbone. Please keep going. And thank you.

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I love this.

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I love this! Thank you.

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This is a great personal essay and poem.

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